Wednesday, October 04, 2006

I'm all for beer metaphors.

From Opus Dei: An Objective Look Behind the Myths and Reality of the Most Controberial Force in the Catholic Church by John L. Allen, Jr. (2005 - Doubleday: NY)
If you want a guiding metaphor for Opus Dei, the spiritual organization founded in Spain in 1928 by Saint Josemaria Escriva that has become the most controversial force in Roman Catholicism, think of it as a Guinness Extra Stout of the Catholic Church. It's a stong brew, definitely an acquired taste, and clearly not for everyone.(p.1)
"Skip a bit, brother"
In an era when the beer market is crowded with "diet" this and "lite" that, Guinness Extra Stout cuts the other way. It makes no apologies for either its many calories or its high alcohol content. It packs a frothy, bitter taste that has been compared by some wags to drinking motor oil with a head. Precisely because it resists faddishness, it enjoys a cult following among purists who respect it because it never wavers. Of course, if you think it tastes awful, its consistency may not be its greatest selling point. Yet while Extra Stout may never dominate the market, it will always have a loyal constituency.
He then goes on to talk about how Vatican II was an attempt to brew a Lite version of Catholicism and that Opus Dei offers a "robustly classical alternative" (p. 2).


Blogger solarblogger said...

But purity is defined by the brewmaster in Catholicism. So whether or not you could say the Vatican II church is lite, you couldn't say it wasn't pure. If the theory is right, God wanted a pilsner. And He always wanted one. And past recipies for stouts must be read in such a way that they are in line with the current pilsner recipe.

2:40 PM  
Blogger Jesus Christ's Badger said...

Hey, God bless, I'm just passing through with Christ.

Love the research and certanty in your work.

If God can do anything can he make a rock big enough he cannot lift?

Check my blog for answer.

9:58 AM  

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