Monday, March 20, 2006

Reformed Distinctives Scale

At the CAPS conference, I decided to eschew the road most traveled and attend a session at 7:45 in the morning entitled, Development of a (Presbyterian) Reformed Religiousity Scale. I was the only one in the room besides the presenter until a few minutes after the time to start had elapsed, when a couple of others came in, obviously turned away from the other (full) sessions. The scale was developed to measure change in reformed beliefs over the course of a college career, as people took on the ethos of the school through their cousework and other activities. Turns out that the scale had three factors labeled 1.) Evangelical Belief, 2.) Evangelical practice (piety) and 3.) Reformed Distinctives. However, with the exception of the item "I would describe myself as a Calvinist," I could endorse a number of the items on the Reformed Distinctives subscale. For example, "I believe that Jesus is God and came in the flesh to live among humans." It's amazing to me that this didn't load with Evangelical beliefs subscale. Also, "I belive God transfers the righteousness of Christ to those who put their faith in Him." Interestingly, I found several items on calling that closely mirror those that y'all have helped me create for my dissertation research.


Blogger solarblogger said...

Those doctrines often are wrongly taken as Reformed distinctives. I have seen my own articles listed as Reformed articles. The really funny one was when one of them was listed as a Reformed article on the Atonement. You would think I believed in Limited Atonement from that. No. But like the Reformed, I believe in substitution.

But I don't mind being listed in the company of Charles Hodge. That's an honor, even if he makes mistakes.

12:48 PM  

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